Apr 13, 2013

The new era may come soon

 Looking back the human history, 20th century seems to have been the unprecedented era of mass consumerism. In other words, it was the era of global devaluation of noble spiritual values.
 Also, it was undeniably the unprecedented era of mass destruction of Life on Earth, the era of insane producing, using and accumulating of toxic gas, nuclear weapons, chemical and radioactive wastes, causing mutation and extinction of numberless species.

 These two tendencies made human being more and more close to "civilized barbarians" during the last century. Moreover, from the end of the last century, the economic-growth engine of modern society finally stopped its function. Currencies began to circulate in far more large numbers than they should be in normal demand and supply relations.The system was characterized by loans, credit cards, "derivertives"and recently it almost ended up with global economic crisis and disappearance of  Middle Class as the main cluster of demography.

 The resolution of this situation must not be easy. Human being can't go forward without giving up many, many things, mainly in developed countries (including some comfort in everyday life, unnecessary luxuries, goods for entertainment ). But, there are two fields which can be demolished without suffering almost all the people.

Military industry and current financial system (including rending money with "interest").

Some historians and archaeologists insist that War as a constant element of human life appeared only recently, after the beginning of agriculture. And even after that in middle ages Byzantine Empire tended to avoid war in contrast to Western feudal kingdoms of its time.
As to current bank system, it is 400 years old at most. Capitalism, as it is considered in economics , probably, is the same age. Before that time human being lived more naturally, sometimes with developed civilizations and cultures

Military industry and current financial system are not even inevitable elements of  Capitalism. So they can be more easily demolished than Capitalism itself. If only enough number of people would really want so. 

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